Things to do in Missouri River Country

5 Winter Activities in Missouri River Country

1. Ice Fishing Competitions

Ice fishing is more than a hobby or sport in Northeastern Montana– it’s a way of life. If you’ve never been, the activity involves drilling a hole through the ice and dropping a fishing line into the crystal-clear water beneath. You can often see the fish swimming right in front of your eyes, creating a sense of “sight fishing” for the partaker. The activity is so big, in fact, that there are even competitions to see who can catch the biggest fish! Families, friends and visitors alike join in these events to enjoy a social day on the lake and try to win prizes. The Glasgow Chamber Ice Fishing Derby is February 5th, follow the link for more information.

2. Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs

Want to warm your fingers and toes after a fun winter day outside? A visit to Sleeping Buffalo Hot Springs will do just that. The soothing natural water comes from a well 3,200 ft. down, and pumps 900 gallons of water a minute at 108 degrees fahrenheit. The pools are well maintained and cleaned often to ensure a healthy and luxurious experience. So, just relax and enjoy the pool, hot tub and sauna at this cherished establishment.

3. Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge

The Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge is positioned between the Missouri River and Canadian border, and boy, is it a sight to behold. You’ll be mesmerized by the unencumbered rolling hills, native grass, brush patches, lakes and wildlife. The refuge was established in 1935 as a protected environment for migratory birds to breed and rest during their journey. The total refuge spans across 31,701 acres and encompasses 17 bodies of water, including the 8,218-acre Medicine Lake. In the winter, visitors come from all around to ice fish for Northern Pike, shoot photography, access the educational opportunities, and cruise along the famous Wildlife Drive to observe the diverse habitats. If you’re lucky, you might spot the North American Snowy Owl, which migrates to southern Canada and the northern United States annually.

4. Fort Union Trading Post

The Fort Union Trading Post is a history-enthusiast’s dream spot. Between 1828 and 1867, this fort was considered the most important fur trading post on the Upper Missouri River. The Assiniboine, Crow, Cree, Ojibway, Blackfeet, Hidatsa and other distinct tribes frequented the post regularly to trade buffalo hides and furs for goods from around the world. The fort offers special events like the Fort Union Rendezvous, Indian Arts Showcase and Kids Craft Days in the summer, but the historic landmark offers year-round opportunities for education and intrigue. Explore the fort and learn about the trading post through their informative orientation video, or become a Jr. Ranger and Jr. Trader through their fun, hour-long training program. Just be sure to plan your visit, as the fort sits on the border of Montana and North Dakota, and both places have been known to be chilly in the winter!

5. The Perkulater

Do you have someone in the family who begs to make a pit stop at the World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball? Or perhaps you have a travel friend who would love nothing more than to visit every kitschy roadside attraction. Well, luckily, we know just the place for the quirk-connoisseur! The Perkulater is a drive-thru coffee shop located in the Teapot Building, which, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, is shaped like a giant percolator coffee pot. You can’t miss it. The shop offers delicious cappuccinos, lattes, espressos and frozen blended drinks. So go ahead, make your funky travel partner giddy with a yummy beverage from this must-see roadside stop!


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