Things to do in Missouri River Country

Dreaming of Summer Adventures in Missouri River Country

We may not be able to get out and explore Missouri River Country at the moment, as folks throughout Montana have been given a stay-at-home directive in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). But that just means we have more time than ever to dream about summer adventures in our favorite corner of Montana. So, next time you feel yourself starting to go stir crazy while hunkering down inside, take a break to scroll through some of our many beloved shots of northeast Montana and imagine yourself in a place of big skies, bigger fish, unique landscapes and more room to roam. Here are some of the things we are most excited for once it is safe to roam our region again.

Fishing with Family on Fort Peck

Ancient Discoveries Along The Montana Dinosaur Trail

Grabbing Brews with Friends, Family and Friendly Locals

Long Nights Spent Under Bright Skies

Wildlife Watching on the Prairie

Photo by Ken Plourde

Fresh Air and Fresh Perspectives Outside



Winter Wildlife Viewing in Northeast Montana

Land of Giants: Dinosaurs in Missouri River Country

Getting to Know Missouri River Country Communities: Wolf Point

The Only Hot Spring in Montana's Missouri River Country (Top in Montana)