Wild Horse Stampede PRCA Rodeo | Missouri River Country

Wild Horse Stampede PRCA Rodeo

Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede is a three-day event including a PRCA sanctioned rodeo that brings the best cowboys to town. There is a parade each day, along with a carnival, the Human Stampede Run/Walk, the world famous wild horse race, kids' stick-horse rodeo, street dances and cowboy church. According to history, the city of Wolf Point was not incorporated until 1915 and it was during this time that local cowboys and Indians would hold an impromptu gathering and stage a little afternoon rodeo on the downtown dirt streets on a summer afternoon. In 1921, the Commercial Club decided to make this an organized event at the ball field just west of Sixth Avenue South. Since the Palmer Brothers Circus was scheduled to be in the town, it made sense to hold the rodeo in conjunction with the Circus. The weekend and the rodeo was a grand success and thus the Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede was born!


Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede is held at the Marvin Brookman Stadium, which is located 0.25 mile east of Main Street.